
If an infection is suspected, the health care provider may ask that the urine sample be collected in two or three containers during a single urination to help locate the infection site. After the first collection, the health care provider will have the patient stop the urine stream for a prostate massage before collecting more urine.
If signs of infection appear in the first container but not in the others, the infection is likely to be in the urethra. If the urine contains significantly more bacteria after the prostate massage or bacteria are in the prostate fluid itself, the infection is likely to be in the prostate.
Medical Tests for Prostate Problems NKUDIC: NIH Publication No. 12-5105 January 2012
National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC)
NKUDIC: NIH Publication No. 12-5105
January 2012
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